Almondine Wellness


The Approach

My objective is to help you cultivate a positive relationship with food and yourself. I will:

  • Offer advice that is flexible, realistic and completely customized to where you are right now

  • Build your confidence in eating well, in a way that feels good for your body and your health

  • Help you meet your short term and long term goals, whether it is: weight loss, gaining muscle, increased energy levels or caring for your general wellbeing

Initial Consultation

Wondering what it will be like to work together? I offer a complimentary 15 minute introduction call to cover all your questions.

We will discuss:

  • your expectations, goals and current lifestyle

  • how I can best help you

  • a few personalized recommendations that you can begin to work on immediately

The Complete Plan

Your premium program will include:

  • a long-term customized nutrition plan based on your goals and lifestyle

  • regular one-on-one in-person meetings with actionable feedback (and tough love if need be) as well as answers to any questions you have. These meetings can be scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly based on your needs and schedule

  • regular accountability check-ins to help you stay on track

  • connection to a community of like minded people with similar goals

So, ready to stop dieting and start living?